How To Manage Issues With Anger And Depression
While feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and guilt are typical symptoms of depression, there are also other signs. The struggle with anger and irritability is also quite common when someone is fighting depression. Anger and irritability can show up in several ways. For instance, a person may become overly sensitive to criticism, highly critical of themselves or others, lose their sense of humor, experience frequent road rage, have a short temper, and more. Since these symptoms aren’t typically associated with depression, some people fail to realize that depression could be the underlying cause. If you or someone you know is going through the same problem, look for the best counseling for anxiety and depression in Granite Bay and get the help that’s needed. Here are a few ways to manage issues with anger and depression Identify specific triggers Make sure you take some time to look at what’s triggering your anger. Consider going for a stress test to help you sort ou...